Ior Bock, a brief biography

Autofellatio – Sauna Knot (Swedish: Bastu Knut)
When Ior was seven years old, on Knut Day, the 13th January 1950, his mother Rhea and his sister Rachel took him on a boat trip, and rowed him out to a small island called Ljusö (English: Light Island). During the trip they inaugurated him for the first time into the secrets of the Saga, and that night, he learned to make his Sauna- or Bathhouse Knot, (in Finnish called Sauna-Solmu, commonly known as autofellatio). In the Pagan time, every one who became seven years old did their daily Bastu-Knut, by bending both their legs behind their neck and then sucking themselves to orgasm.

Ior Bock showing his Sauna Knot (Swedish: Bastu Knut, Finnish: Sauna Solmu)
In the following period, Ior’s sister made sure that Ior remembered to perform his morning rites every day. At the age of 14, under the name Ior Svedlin, Ior became apprenticed as a lighting technician at the Swedish Theatre, (Svenska Teatern), in Helsinki. Seven years later at the age of 21, he graduated as a professional actor from the theater’s renowned acting school.
The Suicide of Ior’s Stepbrother, Erik
During his youth, in 1962, Ior witnessed the suicide of his adoptive brother. In connection with his choice of wife and impending wedding, Ior’s adoptive brother Erik was let down by the other side of the Svedlin family, who declined to attend his wedding. Ior’s sister Rachel was also strongly against the marriage. Erik shot himself while Ior and Rhea were present in the apartment. In relation to the investigation of the suicide, Ior received a probational sentence, for having been involved in a game that led to the accidental shot that ended Erik’s life. According to Ior, he took this guilt upon himself, to safeguard the prominent Svedlin family’s reputation. According to the investigation report in the police archives in Helsinki, the brothers had been listening to music while they danced and toyed with a loaded gun. Ior stated to the police that the gun went off accidentally when he threw it to his brother. All parties involved hereafter considered the incident to be a tragic accident.

Career in the Public
In the following years, Ior Svedlin became a well known actor in the Swedish theaters in Vaasa, Turku and Helsinki. In addition to guest appearances in Stockholm, he also directed some smaller productions. One of the most famous is the television commercial “The Coral Man”, where Ior proved his talent as director, choreographer and a fantastic dancer.
Because of the Bock family’s special interest and knowledge of Finnish history, Ior Svedlin, in the years from 1968 until 1984, became a historical guide. His guided tours took place at the Sveaborg fortress (old heathen name: Viapori), situated just outside of Helsinki harbour. Ior’s historical program could be experienced in three different languages: Swedish, Finnish and English. Ior held the Swedish and Finnish tours himself and his girlfriend at that time, Claire von Frenckell, held the English tours.
Viapori has since 1917/18 been called Suomenlinna in Finnish. The great Finnish Field Marshal and National hero Augustin Ehrensvärd, born 25th September 1710, always referred to the Sveaborg fortifications, by its old pagan name; Viapori. The construction of the fortress was a life’s work for Ehrensvärd, who kept on expanding and improving it, until his death 4th October 1772. The story of the 18th century was thus the focal point of Ior’s tours, which were both popular and much in demand. During the first years Ior often went to London during the winter, but from 1974 he started to travel to India instead.
The performing actor Ior Svedlin

Ior Svedlin performing on stage as a Fakir
Every winter in India Ior planned and prepared a new historical program to present the following spring on Sveaborg. Every year’s program dealt with events that have happened 200 years earlier during the Great Northern wars. Ior Svedlin and Claire von Frenckell were a celebrity couple until 1984 their travels and works were many times on the front page of national newspapers and magazines.

The two Bock sisters, Rhea and Rachel, were in possession of the orally told, traditional history of the world. The family lived in the manorhouse on Strömsö. Iors grandfather owned 204 islands in the archipelago. In addition they possessed a distinguished art collection, with works of the best painters, jewelry by Farbergé, and a comprehensive precious library collected over centuries.
The Boxström family lived in the manorhouse on Strömsö in the archipelago

The Boxström sisters, Rachel and Rhea taught Ior Bock the Saga, for 20 years
The Bock family had since the 1600 's been ship owners with international contracts and royal privileges. The family had contact with many important people, especially in Scandinavia, but also in the rest of Europe and around the Mediterranean. They furthermore held the right to the Gestgiveri system, an organisation of inns along the Kings road from Stockholm to Moscow from 1250 AD. The family, as the representatives of the lost royal family of Finland, had been entrusted by many insightful sources throughout time.

It may be mentioned that the grandmother of Ior, Hilma Matilda Collin, was friends with Maria Feodorovna, who went under her Danish name Dagmar, when she visited her friends the Boxström family on Strömsö. Together with her husband Alexander III of Russia and their young son Nicholas II, Dagmar spent several holidays with the Boxström family on their island. The Bock family had always been in contact with prominent people throughout the ages, both in Sweden, Russia and elsewhere. Iors sister Rachel died in 1976 (born 16th March 1888).
Dagmar and Alexander sitting with family

The Popular Guide
So Ior had a source of wonderful stories about what had happened and what was at stake in the 1700s. Throughout his career Ior was provided with sources of private original correspondence from noble families who participated in the Great Northern wars. Ior based his historical programs on more than 10,000 letters from all over Europe which were translated by his mother from Swedish, Finnish, English, French, Dutch, German and Russian. Rhea was obviously an extremely language-knowledgeable and intelligent woman.
This incredible knowledge along with his amazing storytelling capabilities made his tours very popular. Among the audience were both danish King Frederik 9th with Princess Margaret and the Swedish King and Queen, Carl 16th Gustav and Silvia with children, in addition to media moguls and other prominent people of every origin. During his guide career, a prominent Finnish family handed over to him the original golden key to the Kings gate of the Sveaborg (Viapori) fortress. This key was given a prominent place among Ior’s other antiques at his home.
Ior, historian guide on Sveaborg

The Bock family had been friends with Augustin Ehrensvärd (pronounced: Ährensvärd), who was the builder of Sveaborg/Viapori fortress (1749). The family had some antiques and artifacts from the defense work in their care. But Ior’s historical conclusions and points were not always in sync with established historians. Ior’s contract with his employer the company ‘Erhrensvärd Society’ (Samfundet Ehrensvärd), was terminated in 1984, after his mother’s death and he went public with the hitherto secret Bock Saga, as his mother had instructed him. From 1984 until 1998 he continued his studies of Sveaborg/Viapori and served as guide on a freelance basis under the name Ior Bock. In total Ior served as a guide on Sveaborg Sea Fortress for 30 years.
Field Marshal Augustin Ehrensvärd
25th September, 1710 – 4th Octobre 1772

In the year 1974 Ior began regular visits to the famous hippie paradise Goa in India. He spent every winter, from October to April, in the small village of Chapora. Here he prepared his eighteenth century programs that he presented the following summer in Viapori on the seven islands just outside of Helsinki. In Goa, cannabis smoking continued to become a daily pleasure in Ior Bock’s life.
Ior with friends in Chapora, Goa, India

India, Goa hippie life
According to Ior, he had until then only been occasionally smoking, with the consent of his parents. From when he was 14, during his time at the theater, he had hung out with some underground Jazz musicians who introduced him to cannabis. When Ior told his mother Rhea about his experience, she replied that hemp cultivation and cannabis-smoking had always been a tradition in the Bock family.
Rhea finished the story by saying that she on several occasions used to help Ior’s biological father Knut Victor to make a pipe with Cannabis. She concluded the story by taking a trip down to the local pharmacy, where she bought some Indian hashish, which she put in a pipe and gave it for Ior to smoke, Bom… Only later, in 1965, was cannabis outlawed and made illegal in Finland.
The first several years in Goa, Ior never said anything about his secret family saga. But he, cultural celebrity as he was, involved the other hippie tourists in his historical works.
Ior and his first listener, Michel Merle on their way to India
He accumulated a library in Goa by bringing up to 20 kg. of books each season, almost all of his luggage was books. In the shadow of the verandas of the rented houses in the old Catholic neighborhood, in the fishing village of tropical Chapora, they drank tea, smoked pipe and discussed history, language and culture throughout the winters. Ior was a central figure in the hippie culture. Claire von Frenckell followed him on these trips; they got a ton of friends and acquaintances from India and around the world. The media reported each year on the two Migratory Birds’ movements.
Ior Tells The Saga to the World
But the season 1983-1984 would be different. Before he traveled to Goa, Rhea had told Ior that she would not be there in the spring when Ior would return to Finland. On leap day (leap year) on the 24th February 1984 called 'Skott dag', on the veranda in Chapora , Ior told for the first time the alphabet and some of the Saga to an outside group of people, among them Claire von Frenckell and Michel Merle.
Bockin Perheen Saga – published 1996
This history of the world and the soundsystem had been kept intact exclusively and only narrated within the Bock family, because of an agreement with Birger Jarl, Regent of Sweden in 1248AD. In 987AD, when the Russian part of the Finnish kingdom fell away to the orthodox church information system, the then Finnish royal family, the Bock family, had decided to close and hide their temple due to fear that the Crusaders would find, loot and destroy it. It was then decided that the story was to be kept secret until 1984AD, and it was also agreed that the last living Bock would reveal the Saga in 1984, exactly 10,000 years after the Second Ragnarök.
The first Ragnarök was when the ice came to our planet, the second Ragnarök was when the ice drifted down over the North and the third Ragnarök was when the Pope’s mercenary army, in the year 1050, massacred every living person they could catch in Nyland, the part of Finland where the Bock family lived.

Rhea Boxström wrote her own obituary
The funeral is held at the Snappertuna church. To the church are invited the departements of the Veronica-association, friends and relatives. National dress or light-colored summer clothing. After the funeral, gathering at Raseborg, were funeral guests and friends partake in the midsummer-festivities by the Raseborg Castle and follow the ring dance around the midsummer pole, arranged by the youth organisations. After the funeralfestivities guests have the opportunity to attend the premiere of Raseborg summer festival at 19.30. After the theater participants of the funeral are taken to the Snappertuna offer grove, where at midnight 5 small midsummer bonfires are lit in the memory of Oden, Ra, Tor, Frej and Freja.
Bus from the Senate square at 10.00…
Reservations to Mrs. Irma Östling tel. 447145, theater tickets can be ordered straight from the festival office, where tickets are reserved for funeral guests. The bus returns to Helsinki in the night after the ceremony at the sacred grove.

Lemminkäinen Temple, excavation began 1987 and soon escalated
In 1987 supporters of Ior Bock began fundraising to finance the excavation of a temple located in a sediment-filled cave, below a hill called ‘Sibboberget’ north of Gumbostrand in Sibbo, 23 km east of Helsinki. Ior Bock had received the temple ground as a baptism gift from his father. The cave would lead to a furnished temple chamber inside the Sibboberget, known as Lemminkäinens Temple (Balder’s Temple). About 23 km after entering the temple you would come to a downward spiraling conical space, with small rooms that were created to keep the aesthetics of each generation of the pagan culture of ancient Finland. The time frame for this storage goes millions of years back to the first Bocks, the twins Frey and Freya. The last storage in this cave was made in the year 987. Then the entrance to the cave was filled with sediment and the entry was disguised. This was done out of fear of the foreign warlords who were already present in the Baltic Sea region at that time and now also threatened Finland.

Interested visitors arriving from all around the world helped with the excavation of Lemminkäinen Temple in Gumbostrand
On various occasions from 1987 to 1998, there was a series of excavations into the cave. In that time the followers reached around 40 to 50 meters into the mountain, but the described door to Balder’s temple has not yet been found. The cave was filled with a lot of sediments, such as clay, sand, silt and rapakivi (crumbled stone). The excavation has exposed a cave or a large descent with straight walls and ceiling. The ceiling and floor consists of weather-eroded bedrock (granite). The surfaces are formed by natural processes.

The excavation of the Lemminkäinen Temple went on for 10 years
The Finnish National Board of Antiques has never recognized that Sibbosberg should have any archaeological significance. Participation by archaeologists from the official side in the excavations of Sibbosberg has been limited to a few visits. In an archaeological survey, the cave of Sibbosberg was officially defined as a natural formation of geological interest, but not of any archaeological interest.
Yet some scandals for the Positive Foundation
In 1990, the police arrested Ior Bock and 33 participants in the excavation suspected of use and distribution of hashish and LSD. The Court then sentenced three of Ior’s foreign friends for the deeds. But the result was a public scandal and the sponsor of the excavation, the largest contractor in Finland, Lemminkäinen Oy, pulled back its financial support. The result meant personal ruin for Ior, and since then not much has happened on the excavation site.

Stuart Rice, president of 'The Positive Foundation' and Ior Bock reading about excavations
In 1999, at his apartment in Helsinki Ior Bock was stabbed with a knife, several times, by a mentally disturbed Finnish person, when Bock would not let him in. As a paradox the disturbed person later explained that he wanted to kill Ior, in order for some hidden pagan artifacts, the Gold-Bock, buried in Kajaani, to be dug up and prove the story to be correct. After the attack and while Bock was still in the hospital, due to a debt hanging back from the excavation, partly owed to Lemminkäinen Oy and partly to a geo-technical contractor (from 1992), a process was initiated against Ior for outstanding debt and unpaid credits. During Ior Bock’s stay in Goa the following winter, his property was confiscated and sold.

As a result of the knife attack Ior lived eleven years paralysed, in a 3 room apartment at Dragonvägn in Helsinki, totally dependent on help for almost everything from morning to evening. He had a number of care assistants and personal assistants who lived with him. He preferred assistants from Chapora, the village in Goa, many of whom were his friends, friends of friends and other acquaintances.
Through these years both old and new friends came to visit, they drank tea, served by the Indians, and smoked the pipe, while Ior told and elaborated on the sound system, the story of human origins and history.
After the knife attack Ior sat paralyzed for 11 years telling the Saga.

Despite his disability after the knife attack, Ior Bock was still a very vivid storyteller who loved to share his vast knowledge to anyone interested
Ior thought, even though the pain and spasms were a great nuisance, that the assassination attempt was good for one purpose, that he now had time to think deeper about the content of the Saga, the complex rhymes (ramsa) and the old puns that are also part of it. Much of this material has been recorded and explained on video and audio tapes. It is an incredibly exciting and factual presentation of how life was in prehistoric times, and how our language is a sound system built around these rhymes and puns. Ior described our origin in the Garden of Oden and our population of the earth in a golden age, the first era, called paradise time.
Ior and Claire broke off their relationship due to the LSD-scandal, disagreement, and a discussion about Rhea’s funeral. So the history of the world that Ior had kept in his head for 35 years, and his family for a 1,000 years, did not have the best of conditions for his presentation to the Finnish public. He, who always prepared so thoroughly that he memorised his program in three languages before the premiere on Sveaborg/Viapori, now had to see himself and his family history in the hands of fate and destiny. Much of the credibility and popularity he had achieved in the Finnish public through his career was put on trial from the beginning.
After the funeral of his mother Rhea, 23rd June 1984, the beginning of the Saga was told in Swedish to the Folkkulturarkivet (folks culture archive) in Helsinki on tape. Later there were many recordings made, where Ior provided additional material and details on both tape and video. In 1996 the Finnish writer Juha Javanainen wrote some basic concepts from the Saga in the book “Bockin Perheen Saaga”, meaning Bock’s Family Saga. The book was published in Helsinki in 1996 and it remains to this day only in Finnish.
The Temple of Lemminkäinen Excavation
The birth of Ior
The life of Ior Bock
“People have attempted to understand why the Indian philosophy has reached highest in the world, despite the people having neither reading nor writing skills. But it has been built up through an oral tradition. The eldest was taught by his father, and it was his duty to again teach his siblings”
Ior Svedlin, to Hufvudstadsbladet on 5 april 1982
Sad Start for the Saga
During the season 1983-1984 some young Finns took some LSD on the veranda of Ior’s and Claire’s rented house in Goa, and some of them unfortunately freaked out.
There is no testimony of Ior ever having taken LSD. According to himself, he would not try LSD, partly because he did not like synthetic drugs, but also and just as much because he did not want the public to think that his saga was associated with LSD hippie tripping. Later in life Ior tried a few natural magic mushrooms, but did not feel the need to repeat it. But in 1984 Ior came home while the LSD scandal from India broke out in the Finnish media, where it was said that Ior had eaten LSD together with the young people back in Goa. Ior and Claire were held responsible for the young man’s condition.
Meanwhile, Ior’s mother had died shortly before their return to Finland, exactly as she predicted before they had left for India. Rhea died on the 6th April 1984 (born 22nd April 1899). Rhea Boxström Räf Storsved-Svedlin wrote her own obituary, the original can be seen here, also translated into English;
Members of Svedlin family were unhappy about the Testament. The transaction of the property was sabotaged and the values came under Svante Svedlin’s control. Ior and his mother were left with a fraction. During the time of this testament quarrel Ior spent some time in an Boarding school, due to Svante’s accusations that his mother could not control him. It was here in the Boarding school according to Ior’s own statements, that he first began to speak Finnish with the other boys. Until then, he had been almost exclusively surrounded by Swedish-speaking people in his Helsinki and Gumbostrand country life.
Ior was, due to his mother’s specific situation, not attending school regularly, he was enrolled in Helsinki in the early years and later he officially had a private teacher at home, but they didn’t see much of her, as she lived in East Bothnia hundreds of miles away. It was during this time that his twenty years of daily teachings of the sound system, (Rot pronounced Root), and the secret family saga began. It was his biological mother Rhea and his aunt / sister Rachel Boxström who taught him. From Ior’s seventh year of life to his 27th, he was schooled this way, two hours every day. That is how long it took to learn and understand the entire Saga.
Died 12.10 pm in Helsinki
Raise, all land, a cry in triumph to the Lord.
For the Lord is good, His grace bestows for eternity
and His faithfulness from generation to generation.
(Ps. 101:5)
The Knowledge of the Boxström Sisters
Ior Bock ‘the Last Bock’
Ior Bock’s official name was Bror Holger Bertil Svedlin, he was born on the 17th January 1942, in Helsinki, Finland and he died on the 23th October 2010 in Helsinki. Ior belonged to the Finnish-Swedish speaking minority. He was a tour guide, actor, mythologist and eccentric. Ior Bock was a colorful media personality and was a very popular tour guide at Sveaborg fortress, which is built on seven islands just outside Helsinki harbour. Here he worked from 1968 to 1998.
According to Ior Bock’s own story the family kept his ancestry secret, and produced a cover story that Ior would be the child of a girl in Porvoo, which should have come into unfortunate circumstances and had given her child (Ior) up for adoption to Rhea and her husband Bror Gustav Bertil Svedlin. This was done with the consent of all the parties involved. They even adopted another child just two years older than the baby Ior called Erik who became Ior's adopted brother. Ior grew up partly in Helsinki’s definitely better bourgeoisie, and partly in a small wooden house in the archipelago in rural Gumbostrand, where his mother held a classic household with a vegetable garden, chickens and Christmas pig.
Growing Up
At the age of 9 years Ior, or Bror Holger, as was his official name, was about to inherit the largest fortune in Finland. His adoptive father Bror Gustav Bertil Svedlin had bequeathed Ior shares in the Svedlin Contractor Company, (Finland’s biggest building constructer with contracts in the Russian industry), and shares in the cable factory (Kabelfabriken AB), that in time, by fusion with the rubber factory (Gummi Fabriken AB) and Nokia paper mill, would constitute the Nokia Group. In Ior’s childhood the cable factory was supplying Finland and Russia with cables.

Rafael Boxström

According to Ior Bock himself, he was born as a child of the 81 year old sea captain Knut Victor Boxström (1860-1942) and his own 42 year old daughter Rhea. The only son of Knut, Rafael Boxström born 1896, had been killed by the Bolsheviks during the Finnish civil war in 1918. The conception of Ior was a desperate attempt to continue the family and bring the extensive family saga of our pagan past to the public. Ior was baptized on 4th April 1942, about a month there after Ior’s father Knut Victor Boxström died 5th May 1942.
Knut Victor

Ior Bock, Odens Ring
In 1984 Ior Bock created public interest and debate when he claimed that his family line (Boxström) had kept an old oral storytelling tradition that gives insight into the pagan culture of Finland, including previously unknown autofellatio exercises (called Sauna-Solmu or Bastu-Knut), associated with ancient fertility rites. These stories are known as the Bock Saga. His eccentric philosophical and mythological family story obtained, to a limited audience, international interest.
On the 23rd October 2010, Ior Bock was stabbed to death in his apartment in Helsinki by one of his assistants who originated from the region of Goa, where Ior used to live in India. The perpetrator said that he thought Ior was the devil. He was found guilty but insane at the time of action and was set free to return to India. Until his death at the age of 68, Ior Bock maintained a circle of friends and supporters who still follow his Saga and hoped to start the excavation in Sibbosberg again.
On the 24th June 2011, exactly 27 years after the funeral of his mother Rhea, and 27 years of the Saga narrator Ior Bock, his ashes were buried at a memorial at the stump of the old World Tree, the ash tree Yggdrasil, in the family burial site at Snappertuna cemetery in Western Nyland. About 60 people, many of them personal friends of Ior, had come from all corners of the world to participate and say goodbye. The party lasted for 3 days, during which long forgotten film clips from the first Goa trip in 1974 was shown, music played, pipe smoked and Sauna heated. The funeral ended in the sacrifice grove (offerlund) where 8 small bonfires (at Ior’s own request) were placed in a ring and lit, these 8 bonfires were made to symbolize the 8 powers or forces on earth from Hel, which are:

Ior was buried in the family grave at the Snappertuna cemetary 24th June 2011

Ior Bock – ‘Månbocken Balder’, ‘Seppo Ilmarinen’ and ‘Ers of Raseborg’ ‘The Last Bock*
Written by Kenneth Larson and Kasper Rasmussen R.I.P.